Vimo Logo

Web page, mobile app and social media design as a service.

Simple. Fast. Nice.

Made By Vimo

Preview of Eesti Kirik

Eesti Kirik

Big project. Tight collaboration with a client. Integration with the Stripe payment system. Design, code and custom solutions are keywords here.

wordpress | design | stripe

Preview of Kvissentali hoovimüük

Kvissentali Hoovimüük

Landing web page for local community about day of backyard sale. Quick information and festive mood - all you need for a good day!

layout | content | responsiveness

Preview of Spiral Wood Music

Spiral Wood Music

Ambient web page for ambient musician. Listen, dive and experience!

design | pictures | responsiveness

Preview of Kvissentali Kodukohvikud

Kvissentali Kodukohvikud

Simple web page for local community about day of home cafes. Authentic design, responsiveness and accessibility are the thing here.

design | content | responsiveness

Preview of Sleep Consult

Sleep Consult

Landing web page and blog made on Jekyll. Responsive design and accessibility rules are implemented.

jekyll | responsive design

Preview of Riigipühad


Android app made on Flutter, that sends notifications about Estonian public holidays, flag days and short workdays.

flutter | android
